Thank you so much for your prayers! It's so amazing, the storm turned and blew back out to sea and since Sunday morning we've had beautiful weather! It feels unreal. We've been expecting something to hit us but instead it has been quiet and calm. The Lord has really answered prayer. The satellite pictures show how the storm was right over us and now it has moved back east back into the ocean and south.
This last picture we downloaded shows the hurricane even further away. This picture was taken 4 days ago, March 7.
We thank the LORD for His goodness in answering all the prayers!
We did get around 400 mm of rain on Saturday night and very heavy winds when the arm of the cyclone crossed over us. Sunday morning the center of the cyclone was supposed to cross over us. But instead it moved away from us. They were also predicting that the tail of the cyclone would swing around and hit us anytime from Monday till Thursday but on Wednesday the cyclone was even further away from us and we have had beautiful weather all week. We really feel in awe at the change for which we give all the glory and honour to the Lord and His people who were praying. It feels so unreal to have such calmness in the air rather than the rushing around that a storm brings. But we are sooooo thankful.
Some people even thought we were in the eye of the storm that's how calm it was. But it was not the eye according to the satellite pictures.
Saturday night as we were praying I mentioned to the LORD that we were so vulnerable in our tents.
It seemed as if I could hear Him say, So you ONLY have my Hand between you and the storm?
Wow, what a powerful ONLY!
It really has been as if He put His Hand over us because ever since then it has only been calm and quiet. Wow! We are so thankful and we praise His Name. And we are thankful for the prayers of His people.
Again, thank you so much for praying. We will be in awe one day to see how many times God intervened in things we prayed about, but even if we have to go through storms like this one or a hundred other kinds of storms, which the Lord himself will send from time to time, how His Hand is over us in all things.
With hearts full of praise and thankfulness,
Stephanus and Rose
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