While were in Emangusi visiting some friends at a mission they told us about a congregation whose local pastor had died and that they did not have anyone to teach them. Our friends introduced us to a few of the men in the congregation and the men organized a Bible study with as many of the congregation that could come. Stephanus preached a very hard sermon and the people said that it felt like revival and asked if we could stay. We told them that we were on our way to Zambia and that we had to finish our trip but then we would come back to Emangusi and teach for at least a few months.
So we went on to Windhoek, Namibia and met Lewellyn van der Merwe’s family. While we were there we got the news that Nate Yoder and his family could come visit. So then we came back to South Africa to pick them up at the airport in Pretoria. Then we traveled together up through Namibia and then on to Zambia. We were in Zambia 10 days in Shesheke where we used to do missionary work before we went to the USA. Then we drove down through Botswana and Swaziland and came here to Kosi Bay to show Brother Nate the area and meet the people.
We took the Yoders back to the airport in Pretoria where they flew out on June 7th. We spent several weeks in Pretoria repairing the vehicles before we came out here to Kosi Bay.
The Lord has been so gracious to us in providing for our needs. He provided for a house to rent so that we have a landing place and a temporary living place for this time over the birth of the baby. We are so thankful for His care and provision.
We are here for a month now. We arrived during school holidays and so far we’ve been having Bible studies every night. This week school started so they said to change it to only Tuesday and Thursday night besides the Sunday service.
Please pray with us that the Lord will lead us in the next week as we are coming up with a ministry plan for the near future.
We also ask for prayer for the delivery of our new
baby. We are expecting the baby to be born in in the last week of July or the first week of August.
We are missing the midwife, Mary Hostetler, who helped us with the births of the last four children in America. Here there is only the hospital to go to. Wish you could come over, Mary. God bless you for all you have done for us over the years! What a great, great blessing it always was.
We are missing the midwife, Mary Hostetler, who helped us with the births of the last four children in America. Here there is only the hospital to go to. Wish you could come over, Mary. God bless you for all you have done for us over the years! What a great, great blessing it always was.
Shortly after we arrived here we celebrated our 13th anniversary
and Stephanus and Abigail's birthdays.
and Stephanus and Abigail's birthdays.
Back into some serious schoolwork
after the trip.

Boys! Boys will be boys!
So good to see some Photos. The children are growing. Abigail looks so much like you, Rose, sometimes I am not sure if it is you or her. That must mean you are keeping yourself young, Rose. I hope to see photos of the rest of the children soon, to see how they are growing and to see their smiling faces. Pray for you every day and praying that all goes well with the birthing of this new precious baby. Love you all very much, Oma Becky