We started listening to "The Godly Home" series by Denny Kenaston during our Bible study time with the group which is a great blessing to us all.
On the left is Tannie(Aunt) Maggie who has been a blessing. She is 81 yrs of age. She comes every night and she is also our landlady and like a grandmother to the children who love her very much. Lemuel often runs to go play with her walking stick at her house which just next door to us. She likes to sit outside and watch him play.
Oom (Uncle) Dirk is on the far right. He is 72 yrs of age. He is quite sick at the moment and needs prayer. We sometimes go and have prayer meeting at his place. Both Oom Dirk and Tannie Maggie are from the Methodist church. Just beside Tannie Maggie on the right is Naomi. And between Abigail and Rose is Hanni. We tell more about these two ladies a little later.
We also started a daily prayer meeting which has been ongoing for 5 weeks now. We start at eleven o'clock and continue till one or two o'clock. This the Lord has used to bind us much closer together. And we have seen God's blessing in the community through these prayers.
For a long time we turned our focus to training two ladies, Hanni and Naomi, who have proved to be very serious to continue working for the Lord when we leave. These people get a lot of opposition from the community and we ask for serious prayer on their behalf. They get scoffed at a lot for their walk with the Lord.
We asked their permission to share something personal that they are struggling very much with. In fact they started asking us for prayer and accountability. Hannie smoked extremely much and the doctor warned her to stop. He also said that she cannot stop too quickly or her body will react too strongly. This is the type of tobacco that is bought in bags and they roll their own with paper. They use newspaper to do this. Both of them are struggling heavily with this horrible addicting habit. Very, very many people smoke here. Often women smoke and drink more than the men. Hanni has had a very rough life; drinking, fighting, and with the occult. At one stage, she even lived with a witch doctor for three months. After this she had extreme occultic experiences and lived in absolute fear. By God's grace, these occultic influences stopped. She has the alcohol completely out of her life but smoking remains a stronghold. Please pray for both of these women. Their hearts desire is to stand clean and clear of all uncleanness. If any person is determined to pray for them, feel welcome to encourage them by email. We will print it out and give it to them. Especially if there is someone who has had this struggle with nicotine. Neither of us has ever struggled with smoking and nicotine addiction. It is hard for us to relate to it. But please feel free to share if it is on anyone's heart.
We are also in the process of getting ready to leave for Angola, Lord willing. We are not certain of the date. But we are starting to organize and plan for the trip. Please pray for all these things. Not much can be taken along. And we need a lot of wisdom in planning. Up in Angola the living conditions are hard and malaria is a very big problem. That is why we decided to go in the winter when the mosquitoes are less. The little ones are not used to malaria and it is very dangerous for little children especially if they are not used to the sickness.
Stephanus going through tools and some spare parts to make sure we have everything to fix breakdowns in the boondies.
And Lemuel working with Daddy or is it Daddy keeping Lemuel busy while fixing things on the vehicle.
To remain in Adam all will die
But in Christ eternal life is nigh.
But in Christ eternal life is nigh.
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
John 3:18
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
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