
Saturday, April 28, 2012

A visit from friends the Krugers

We had a blessed visit from dear friends of ours the Krugers from Pretoria, Ignatius, Elize and their 4 children. Standing at their father's right side is Elri, their oldest and only daughter who is 14 yrs old. Willem the oldest boy is 12 yrs old in the checked shirt. Stefan is 7 yrs old and Bertus is 9 yrs old. They work at Dorothea Mission in Pretoria.

They stayed with us for 5 days, arriving Thursday the 15th. All of it came as a big surprise and we were verry excited. They arrived around 4:00 pm and we right away prepared a place to pitch their tent and helped them put up their tent before dark.

Stephanus still had a Bible study to give that evening. And they retired early because of being tired from the long drive from Pretoria the capital of South Africa which is about a 10 hour drive.

It seemed like the Lord had prepared for us a mini youth conference with their four children and our eight. It was five days of good Christian fellowship and much sharing on John chapter 6. How do we eat the Lord Jesus Christ? We spoke of the salvation of children; how parents can influence that salvation and what responsibility the children have in seeking salvation. We compared temptations, difficulties, blessings, trials, tribulations, and situations with plates of food which the LORD sends our way. So now regularly you'll hear someone ask the question, "How are you eating your plate of food?" Eating happens by chewing even that which we don't like in order to make use of its nutrients. A plate of food served on the table helps our bodies nothing if we don't eat it. We may believe that it will keep us in the life but without the actual eating it helps us nothing. This relates to cheap faith that wants to claim belief in Christ but never wants to eat what he commands. The eating implies repentance. Repentance is the core of the gospel. When Christ Jesus started his ministry he preached, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." The Savior that saves by grace alone himself saying my grace will not be yours unless ye repent and obey my voice. The Word and Law IS his voice. Let this help us not to swallow the cheap believism false gospel that is so popular in pop churches with their bubble Christianity.
Finally, all the food must be swallowed to the stomach. Here the great work is done and the food changed into the precious nutrients which our bodies need. How few Christians experience the true freeing power of the gospel. All because they're all about belief only and they do not repent and conform to the Word or Law which is the rules of the race of the Christian. Paul said we must run to receive the prize. If we disregard the rules of the race we will be disqualified. Bubble Christianity usually calls true Christians legalists and narrowminded because of their emphasis on the Law which is the Word from A-Z. The Law even includes the gospel. Jesus said, my sheep hear my voice and they follow me. They do not hear the voice of a strange shepherd.
John 7:38 Those who believe in the Lord Jesus, out of their bellies will flow rivers of living water. When the food is swallowed into the belly and the belly transforms it into strength, this is a mystery and incredible to think about. Proper obedience in repentance, following the voice of the Lord and His will is the eating of the flesh and drinking of the blood of the LORD Jesus Christ which if we never do this the Word says that we will not have eternal life. Which interestingly after this sermon most of the 70 disciples left him with only the 12 left. Needless to say, the pop churches with their pop gospel would crucify the Lord Jesus again if he should come today and like most of the 70 will leave him after his first sermon. But here in the spiritual stomach the Spirit of God is given to the obedient only. And here is the first that we will ever experience of the living water that will flow from our innermost. If we seek for this blessing, let us eat the Lord Jesus according to John 6:50-58. This is in a nutshell what we shared about.
The Krugers said they were going to put on their wall "How are you eating your plate of food?"
For us in the Blignaut family, the question is asked regularly, "Are you eating your plate of food?"

We also took them to Kosi Bay where we swam and snorkeled in the lagoon.

The children enjoyed it very much, seeing some tropical sea life with their many colors, including lionfish, and all kinds of other striped fish.

This is a view of third lake. The mountains in the background are called the island and the ocean is right behind that.

Abigail and Elri having tons of talks.

The longer you live together the more you become alike. May God give in the truest sense of the thought that the longer we walk with Him the more we'll be like Him.

Joshua enjoying the water at Kosi Bay Mouth in the lagoon.

We took walks to the lake and the children played in the water. But mostly we had many many blessed conversations.

And before we could wipe our eyes out, it was time for them to leave for Pretoria. Coming into the property is downhill but going out is uphill and so as they had to leave the little car needed some help to get back out to the road.

What a blessed visit! Thank you Krugers for the great fellowship we enjoyed. And though we had to part as all visits here between the brethren will end we look forward to that day when we will no more need to part but stay in His blessed presence after we go through heaven's golden gates.

This is a view of the lake at sunrise from our campsite while Krugers were here visiting.

1 comment:

  1. Missing you all today and popped in here for a visit. I'm so happy your friends were able to come spend time with you! Enjoyed reading your posts. Lots of love to every one. * hugs all around * Faith =)
